💰 Make Money by Monetizing Your Game – START NOW

making money from a game or app you made is rewarding but you might have some questions for instance where do you start or what options do i have and how to add them to your game in this series i'll try to answer all these questions and help you with monetizing your game if this is something that you're interested in be sure to click on that like button and consider subscribing to the channel in this video let's start by introducing the different monetization strategies the details and the implementation of each strategy will be in their separate videos but first before we go through the list of strategies no matter what monetization strategy you're using to successfully make money from your game it is very important for the game to be enjoyable to play and i'll show why in a little bit now one of the strategies that we have available is paid games i think this is one of the most straightforward to understand you make a game publish it to one or more of the stores like steam hio google play app store and start making money well it's not that simple you need to do some marketing for your game before you publish but for that i might create a series in the future for now let's assume you got the marketing down and you are getting installs how much installs do you need to make a thousand dollars well that depends on how you price the game if you price the game at one dollar you need 1000 installs to make that a thousand dollars if you price it at two you need 500 price it at five you need 200 and if you price it at 10 you need 100 now you can't really just pick a random price and sell your game at that you really need to put the right price for your game and this is where the quality of your game and how much content you have in the game is very important because the more quality and more content you have the bigger price you can actually put for your game and people will buy a game if they feel like they're getting what they're paid for the other option that we have is free games and in for games there are two main options that you have to make money one of them is displaying ads so you can use unity ads or admob or some other ad network this is more common for mobile games but to make that same one thousand dollars let's assume on average you're getting one cent per ad view the actual average number will vary from game to game and there's a lot of different variables that affect this number but let's say it's one cent let's take a look at the numbers so if you get one ad view per install you need to get a hundred thousand installs to actually get that one thousand dollars now that's a lot of installs if on average installed player watches five ads then you need twenty thousand for an average of 10 ads views you need 10 000 installs and for an average of 20 ad views you need 5 000 installs now you can see that the more ad views you get the less installs you need to make that 1 000 to get higher ad views again you need to provide an enjoyable game that a player will play and will be fine watching those ads now of course you can increase the amount of ads you display so you can force more ads on the user but when you force ads on the user you're risking the user to uninstall the game because they feel like they're watching more ads than actually playing the game but it's still possible to get 100 ad views on your game if your game has enough content for the player to play a long time so if the player plays for a year one ad a day won't be that noticeable so you won't lose that player because of how much ads you serve one more option that we have is in-app purchases or iap and this one is a little bit more complicated there's lots more work that you need to do and you have to think about it in advance to how you're actually gonna improve your gameplay with providing in-app purchases so that you won't feel like the player needs to pay money in order to win the game to make a thousand dollars let's assume that two and a half percent of players that install the game actually make an in-app purchase and depending on average spending in the game you can calculate how many installs you need to make that one thousand dollars if on average the player that makes in-app purchases spends one dollar in your game you need forty thousand installs to actually make one thousand and if on average they spend two dollars they need twenty thousand five dollars you'll need eight thousand installs and an average of ten dollars you'll need four thousand installs so that's just some numbers to look at but you don't have to implement just one of these options you can actually implement both of them so let's take a look at implementing in-app purchases and ads one of the common ways of doing that is having the game with ads but then have an in-app purchase that disables the ads and if you do something like that you can monetize on the free users that don't have the money to pay for the game but they still enjoy the game so they'll be fine playing the game and watching some ads and with this kind of setup you need less installs than you would with just in app purchases so instead of needing 40 000 installs to make this thousand dollars with one dollar spending on average the ad views that the free players get offset it by more than half so that way the game can make 1 000 with less installs here's some more numbers that you can look at so hopefully these numbers show you that it is important to have a good quality game that gives you an opportunity to make more money from your game if you found this video useful and you excited for more videos be sure to click on the like button subscribe and i'll see you in the next one

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