I TRIED Earning $1400 a Day With Google News! (FREE) Way to Make Money Online?!

are you ready to watch me make between $300 and $1,400 a day with Google news I'm certainly excited to try this method which has been featured in lots of YouTube videos that have gone viral and many videos are sitting at around 2 million views the promise is huge this method Works worldwide and you don't need any special degrees or qualifications sounds intriguing let's let's see how it goes first off we have to open google.com search for Google news and you will land on this page it's the world's biggest aggregator of local and Global News That's continuously updated what they tell you to do here is pick out news topics that catch your eye Google news has many categories like Tech business Sports entertainment science and health and they're all laid out on the the menu bar the videos that I watched suggested focusing on health and maybe business topics so that's what I'm going to do in the next few minutes I will skim these news titles in the health Niche and I will let let you know what I picked all right this is the post that I chose to work with it's an article on CNN that is based on a study which found that unprocessed Foods linked uh to heart disease diabetes mental disorders and early death the article is quite long and very detailed which is great for this method based on what at least I gathered watching these videos next they suggest that we should head over to spinbot.com I don't know why in all these videos this particular website is suggested because I know quite a few Alternatives well maybe because this one is free but let's see if it does a good job all we need to do is copy article from from CNN and paste it on spinbot let me do that well seems like the tool doesn't ask us to pay anything extra so it's free so far and I will check the quality of this rewrite later now let's compare the first paragraphs on the left and on the right this was the source eating ultr processed foods raises the risk of developing or dying from dozens of adverse health conditions according to a new review VI of 45 meta analysis on almost 10 million people and this is the Rewritten text eating Ultra processed food sources raises the gamble of of creating or passing on from many UNF favorable medical issue um shouldn't be issues as indicated by another audit of 45 meta investigations come on meta analysis and meta investigations doesn't sound like the same same thing to me whatever uh or just about 10 million individuals honestly if we just ignore the grammar mistakes and the words that are used in the wrong meaning it seems like the difference between this text is just a few words replaced by a synonym here and there it looks like a machine rewrite of the article but the 2 million views videos promis that we should have no plagiarism worries because the text was 100% Rewritten and if the thought crosses your mind that this is just repurposing someone else's work you're not alone it had me pondering too in one of the viral videos the lady actually made a point that all major news outlets report the same stories on any particular day most of the time they just rewrite news from each other she says using different words well this YouTuber told us only half of the truth here I'll tell you soon why it's only half truth because I have some firsthand experience with this you see for the first s years of my professional 9 to5 career I worked as a content manager and an editor in an online news website so throughout this video I will be giving you a professional editor's perspective on each step of the method since it involves Google News the first tip that I can give you on this tab is that you probably should use other tools rather than this particular content spinner you could get better results even with a free version of chat GPT this AI tool can rewrite this text for you without those grammar mistakes and it not just will mindlessly replace some words with synonyms as this basic tag spinner did so feel free to use my prompt in your chat GPT account because it will help you get a decent AI generated article based on this CNN post so this was my prompt rewrite this article using simple language and make a clear structure of the post with subheadings bullet points and references to sources and then you just copy and paste the entire article from CNN while it's writing the text we can actually start comparing the first paragraph that is generated by chpt and the original text so chadt says Ultra processed foods are not not just simple food items that have been altered they are products made from cheap often chemically modified ingredients like modified starches sugars oils and blah blah blah now just to remind you the original text starts with something completely different eating alra processed foods raises the risk of developing or dying from doses of adverse health conditions and there is um a quote then from a scientist which we don't see on Chad P text so basically chpt took the essence of that article and made a completely new piece it created a new structure with headlines that are different from the original and it summarized the original information so this tip was just my two cents I mean probably my video will not get 2 million views so I feel like people maybe even enjoy the videos that are promising them money fallen from the sky but if you find my angle on this U method more helpful maybe it's a good time to give me a like and I think that we as users of this platform need to be more active helping the algorithm figure out which videos are there just for the sakes of getting as many views as possible and which videos are actually helpful getting back to the method that I'm trying my best to follow so far what they suggest next is going to the website called eatingwell.com and finding on it a a page with a writer's guidelines and on that page there should be an editor's email then we're supposed to write an email to the address that they have in that video I personally searched in every possible way on eatingwell.com and I couldn't find this guidelines page but I did manually copy the email of this Julia Westbrook to follow through with this method so I sent her my Rewritten article by email following more or less the same structure of the email that was suggested in the viral video I hit send and a few minutes later I've got an email reply I didn't expect to get anything back so soon so let's check what it is oh okay so this email doesn't exist anymore well if I were that editor and my email address was shown to millions of people and I was getting maybe thousands of useless articles churned out by this spinner tool I would also close that email address and perhaps it might also be the decision of Chief an editor of this website eatingwell.com to close the page about writer guidelines because they had to remove the page about any kind of article submissions or writing opportunities they probably were flatted with this um lowquality content I mentioned that I worked as an editor in online news website for about 7 years and I can tell you that we were not that big of a site as this one and we still were getting hundreds of emails daily from people who wanted to publish on our site something and most of them were actually looking for a guest post to get just a backlink from an authority site so we didn't even have to pay anything for those articles and still those were human written optimized for SEO articles and we were still very picky as to what we were going to publish now if that inbox of mine got spammed with thousands of lowquality submissions per day it would certainly make my job very difficult and wouldn't allow me to separate the good requests from all the spam and the junk emails so again no surprise that this website doesn't have any information about paid articles anymore now as a side note I mentioned before that YouTubers who talked about this method as a real deal they said it's not no problem to use the content as long as you do the rewrite of it and why did I claim that this is only half true well when I worked as an editor we did some interviews with experts and that was about 40% of our content but it was mostly a News website so indeed a lot of times we had to report the same stories that were originally published on maybe some larger news agencies this was over 12 years ago and at the time we had no aii tools for Quality rewriting so it was only content that was Rewritten by human editors but even when we did so we always added credits and links to the source of the news sometimes it takes more time actually to find the original source of the news than maybe just the re the rewriting process of the article but it was part of our editing process and it was part of our ethics that's how things are normally done in this industry so in all these viral videos they kind of forget to mention that respectable online magazines they will not publish a story even if you rewrite it without giving credits to the original source and if you send them a Google news story Rewritten by by you or even by Chad GPT but you pretend that it's your original work they will easily figure it out and they will probably BL Blacklist your email anyway and how will they figure it out oh well let me tell you another secret editors start their working day by schimming dozens of fresh news sources on the topic that they write about all these articles that you see in the Google news page they have seen them before you many times and they know exactly where this content is coming from now I think that I debunked this method enough and sorry if it is disappointing to you but these tools like Google News and this content spinner which is anyway not any good even as a rewriting tool they are available for everyone why would these respectable websites pay someone to rewrite an article if they could do this themselves so it doesn't work as easy as these videos are trying to show you and these videos are going viral because probably because it looks so easy you can actually make money as a Content writer and there are still still some websites that are accepting quality content in different niches I will mention a few of them in case you are an expert in a certain topic and then your knowledge will definitely be welcome and paid for first I would suggest to check these opportunities on Pro blogger.com website you will find there a lot of sites and companies that are looking for writers click on jobs Tab and you will see so many options and quite a few of them are looking for YouTube script writers and most of those are remote jobs that you see on the site but there are some jobs that even include a contract and some of them are full-time jobs like this one for a product review writer just on this site there's has been 43 active jobs posted in the last month from so many different niches from entertainment to Tech and real estate for example you will see here a job for a B2B blog writer WR and they even give you the requirements that the typical article length is around 1,200 words to 1,500 words and it must contain research-based insights and practical tips and at the end they will give you a link to a Google form to submit your information and apply you just need to copy this link and paste it in the browser and it will open for you a form and now you just need to submit your application the next side is called blasting news this website isn't just any ordinary news site think of it as a place where writers can have fun and express themselves they have a group of people called blasters and you could be one of them and you could be writing articles that maybe Millions might read you can earn up to $20 for every thousand of people who read your article so if your article becomes very popular you could even make up to $500 the best part is that their team helps share your work so you're not alone in trying to get people to read it this website pays writers based on how many people read their articles it's a fair system but how much money you will make depends on how many people will like your articles there is also a site called list verse where you can write fun lists and if you write an engaging list of 1,500 words you could get $100 and can be paid out to your PayPal they're looking for new and interesting ideas however they're picky about who can write for them so you should check if you're eligible before you start the next s is called long reads and this one is for longer in-depth stories if you have a compelling essay or a story you could earn up to $500 if they publish it but they are selective and they specifically mentioned here that they don't accept AI written content now posting articles for established websites might be your way to pay the bills but if you want to build a different life for yourself with your content writing skills you might consider starting your own website I mean you can do both you can earn by writing for others while also building up your own blog on a side if you write for your own blog you are not paid by the word comp heck you might not get paid at all in the first year of blogging but in the long run it can become a sixf figure business like it happened with me in fact my blogging income replaced my day job salary by the end of the first year of blogging but I know a lot of bloggers who do this on a site and they just double their income while still working on their blog and they do it only in their free time and they keep their day job if you want to learn how to start your blog I have a free 7day guide that will be delivered to your inbox with all the instructions and video tutorials I will link it up there and also in the description below if you found this video helpful give me a like here subscribe to my channel and before you close this page actually you can check out my other video from this I tried it series in which I tried to make money by watching videos on YouTube so check it out there and see how did it go

As found on YouTube
