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My First Adsense

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That’s great that you’ve signed up for Google AdSense! Here are the primary steps you need to take to get started:

1. **Create your AdSense account**: Go to the Google AdSense website and click on ‘Get Started’. Fill in all necessary details.

2. **Install AdSense on your website**: After your account has been created, you’ll be given a unique code to install onto your website. This is how Google will know where to display the ads.

3. **Set up payment information**: You’ll need to put in payment information so that Google can pay you when people interact with the ads on your site.

4. **Choose Where Ads will Appear**: Decide where you want ads to be displayed on your site. You could choose to have them in the sidebars, or in between blog posts, for example.

5. **Wait for Confirmation**: Once everything is set up, wait for an email from Google confirming that your site has been verified and ads are now live.

6. **Monitor Your Earnings**: Track how much money you’re earning through AdSense via the dashboard.

Remember, it may take some time before you start seeing significant earnings from AdSense – it depends on factors like your website’s traffic levels and how engaging the content is. If you need further assistance or have any questions, feel free to ask!

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