How To Make Money On YouTube WITHOUT Monetization

I hate to break it to you but most of us creating YouTube channels probably won't be generating millions of monthly views which means you aren't going to be making huge sums of cash either I know we see most of our favorite YouTubers making hundreds of thousands of dollars each and every year and they seem to make it sound so straightforward and easy but what they fail to mention is that it took 10 years of pain and struggle to get to where they are today now of course with AI and faceless channels you can skip some of the learning Cod but few people will still get millions of views on the first attempt the good news however is 100,000 monthly views is very doable as a beginner if you follow the right strategy if you would like to know more about the exact strategy I personally use for faster growth and monetization then I'll also link to a free video in the description below 100,000 views leveraged in the right way is more than enough to earn a full-time living off of YouTube but most of us get caught up in wanting ad Revenue assuming YouTube is going to pay us thousands of dollars each and every month but this just isn't the case in fact for most professional YouTubers ads are their smallest income stream take this channel for example it's growing month on month and currently gets around 100,000 monthly views these views that I worked so tiously for equate to around $600 each month at best now if the amount of people who watched in high CPM countries would be bigger I would get more but probably not much above a th000 each month I don't know about you but that isn't going to cover my rent let alone my living costs and I have plenty of software and business costs that need to be covered as well this realization is often a watershed moment for many YouTubers especially those creating faceless channels for profit if you depend on ads alone then without big numbers in high CPN countries the math just doesn't add up we want to get channel profits not Channel losses so once we have a little cry to ourselves and feel a bit sorry about the realization that we probably aren't going to be the next M of the Beast we can now accept at least for now that it's okay to be one of the hundreds of thousands of small to medium channels making a full-time living off of YouTube the goal is to maximize profits from the views and Community we do have a small loyal channel can make much more than a large unengaged one so for the rest of this video I'm going to cover the three main areas that you need to focus on as a small to medium Channel first off let's quickly talk about where you shouldn't be putting your attention I want you to forget about YouTube short at least for now I know some people will give me [ __ ] for this but the money just isn't there and YouTube is now blocking links in the video description so although you can get a ton of easy views they are essentially vanity metrics without a larger marketing strategy in place behind them as a beginner your time and energy is better spent elsewhere also forget about sponsorship deals in the beginning you'll get a lot of predatory people contacting you as your channel starts to grow the small amount of money they pay in my opinion just isn't worth the juice and the Damage that it will do to your viewership in the early stages I don't know about you but I hate watching long messages about video sponsors and when you are small they will want lots from you wait until you get bigger and then you can set the terms yourself and forget about merch in the beginning you won't sell enough until people know who you are and become passionate fans so wait until you're bigger so the first area you want to focus on as a small to medium channel is affiliate marketing affiliate marketing is where you promote other people's products and Services through unique links in your video descriptions and they pay you percentage of each sale from that referral you've probably seen Youtubers with Amazon links in their video descriptions or software links to tools and softwares they use and recommend in the video these days almost every software digital product physical product and even Services have some form of affiliate or referral program but if you want to succeed on YouTube with affiliate marketing then you need to find the perfect fit for your audience in a perfect world you've watched all of my videos and have decided on your monetization strategy before creating any videos but as you're watching this video then chances are you've already selected your Niche and have jumped in head first does that sound about right don't worry we can still make this work so now thinking about the niche of your channel and the outcome people want from watching your videos what product or products would be a perfect match for them for example if you're a Baking Channel chances are you aren't going to be recommending diet supplements but you could recommend the perfect electric mixes and cooking equipment it has to make sense for your audience and be something that you could potentially recommend in most if not all of your videos ideally it's something that you use and believe in as you don't want to lose the trust of your audience the same rule goes for anything that you promote on your channel affiliate marketing is the best monetization strategy for small to medium channels as you don't have to focus on anything apart from just creating videos no complicated sales funnels checkout Pages or customer support required just paste a link and on you go currently affiliate marketing makes up more than 50% of most of our Channel's profits so it's an income stream that you're going to want to keep for the long term to find affiliate Links of Brands just type the name of the product you would like to promote into Google with affiliate program afterwards and normally the information will pop up otherwise Amazon and ClickBank are good places to get started next up we have online courses this is often a natural progression from affiliate marketing you may be promoting someone else's course and feel you could do a better job or you would like to keep more of the profits after all you now have the skills in creating content for your channel so why not create a course that you can sell online courses are great as you can sell them 100% handsfree and as many times as you like or you could charge more for a more Hands-On coaching program it all depends on how much time you have available for example I have a training program that you may or may not have heard of called Channel profits I'll put links in the video description to where you can learn more about it for yourself the course is about building channels for profit and how to Leverage The YouTube algorithm for faster growth and monetization this is congruent to the needs and desires of my audience so it works really well currently since adding it to the channel it now generates about 30% of the Channel's monthly income other ways of monetizing content could be with platforms like patreon where you deliver exclusive content to subscribers who want to support your channel it's basically the same thing you deliver more value at a cost to those who want it the third final way to monetize your small to medium channel is with products and services just like online courses are a natural progression for some people creating your own products and services will be for others these could be selling digital planners via Etsy branded knives for your cooking channel or a full Drop Shipping website for your survival brand if you already promote products for someone via Amazon as an affiliate then Chances Are You Now want a bigger piece of the pie especially as Amazon only pays about 5% of commissions to it Affiliates you may also want to promote your services for example you may be a personal trainer or a coach and want to offer onetoone sessions or group sessions online YouTube is a great way to do this as your channel has already built trust and showcased your Knowledge and Skills so those are the three main ways I recommend monetizing as a small to medium Channel when starting out now if you would like more in-depth training on building channels for profit then check out the links in the video description thanks for watching and until next time

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